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An effective colored anti-slip system plays a crucial role in ensuring the minimum potential for slip and fall injuries. Therefore, conventional anti-skid systems often present problems in withstanding the challenges of high traffic commercial and industrial environments.


Likewise, the Belzona range of polymers for non-slip treatment of surfaces of liquid application and great resistance to wear is specially designed to minimize the risk of slipping in potentially dangerous areas.


Application Example



Anti-slip Bands Application
Anti-slip Bands Application


With its simple system, in the following Know-How we explain an application from the Rodator team. These are these useful anti-slip strips inside an industrial supply warehouse.


The fundamental problem was the accumulation of dust at the exit of the changing room area, which caused a serious risk of falls and covered the horizontal marking of the transit corridor.


La aplicación se realizó de acuerdo con el folleto Belzona de Sistema de aplicación FPA-8. Se utilizó una MBX para darle una mayor rugosidad a la solera de hormigón, que mejorase la adherencia de Belzona 4411. Se decidió encapsular el agregado Belzona 5231 en una proporción de 1 a 2 con el Granogrip con la finalidad de mejorar las propiedades antideslizantes del polímero.


Due to its great grip, impact resistance and non-slip surface, the customer finally chose Belzona.


Anti-slip color system


Fundamentally, the use of these brightly colored anti-skid systems highlights potentially dangerous areas. In addition, they produce a more aesthetically pleasing finish, which is perfect for industrial installations.



Description of how to use color aggregates with Belzona materials


  • Slip Resistant: A durable color slip resistant system reduces the potential for long-term accidents.
  • High Visibility: High visibility colors are easy to see and are aesthetically pleasing.
  • Excellent Adhesion: This wear-resistant anti-slip system shows excellent adhesion, does not peel or wear, which differentiates it from adhesive strips.
  • Easy to apply: This system is easily applied by brush without the need for hot work or special tools.


Protege a tu equipo y evita accidentes de manera sencilla gracias a Belzona. No dudes en contactar con nosotros a través de rodator@rodator.com y te asesoraremos sobre esta y más aplicaciones sin compromiso.


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