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Process vessels operating at elevated temperatures and pressures present some of the most difficult service environments and pose great challenges for their owners and operators. These vessels, and particularly those responsible for the separation of oil / water and gas as it enters the process flow, are constantly subjected to a wide variety of aggressive conditions that, in the long run, can lead to severe corrosion damage to the vessel inside.

Why do conventional coatings fail?

When designing systems resistant to high temperature immersion, it is important to consider the reasons why conventional coatings fail. Many of these materials are solvent-based, and in those cases, in addition to other limitations, problems arise due to solvent retention within the film.

Este solvente retenido aumentará su volumen, ya que está expuesto a mayores temperaturas, lo cual a su vez lleva a la formación de ampollas. Además se produce un intercambio entre el solvente retenido y el fluido del proceso que desemboca en un fallo prematuro en los recipientes de procesos.

Systems with low crosslinking density are susceptible to a high degree of permeation of both water and gases and thus corrosion occurs. This phenomenon increases dramatically as the polymeric system reaches its softening point, whereby the distance between the bonding points of the polymer molecules increases and permeation occurs more easily. Even conventional epoxy resins, which generally exhibit good resistance to permeation at room temperature, offer limited protection at high temperatures.

Innovative solution for high temperature immersion

Belzona has developed a range of organic epoxy coating for containers. They provide long-term corrosion protection in the presence of high pressures and temperatures. By using a unique polymeric matrix and reinforcing fillers, the tendency for water and gas permeation is drastically reduced. Thus you achieve resistance to immersion in water at higher temperatures.

How does Belzona’s technology for interior cladding work?

Con los años, Belzona ha formulado una gama de revestimientos orgánicos para recipientes de proceso que toleran diferentes condiciones difíciles en servicio. Los revestimientos de Belzona pueden aplicarse con pulverizador o manualmente para reparar daños por corrosión, incluso sistemas con escamas de vidrio. También pueden aplicarse en la etapa de diseño como medida preventiva.

Inner liner

Liner material specification is influenced by physical design, process fluids, and vessel operating conditions. These properties are compared to product specifications compiled by Belzona based on data from internal and external tests performed.

Dewatering centrifuges

A dewatering centrifuge separates components of different densities and thus plays a critical role in the water and wastewater treatment industry, as well as the chemical and petroleum processing industries.

Las centrífugas de deshidratación pueden sufrir el desarrollo y la acumulación de estruvita, un mineral de fosfato, problema común en las industrias de tratamiento de aguas residuales y cloacales. Este fosfato se genera después de que los digestores anaeróbicos liberan amonio y fosfato del material residual. La presencia de incustraciones de estruvita en el sistema de tratamiento de aguas residuales puede llevar a una gran ineficiencia operativa dentro de la planta (obstrucción de las tuberías, las bombas y otros equipos). Esto exige la interrupción de la actividad de la planta para proceder a su limpieza.

Belzona provides solutions for decanters that allow:

Protection in dehydration centrifuge
  • Improve efficiency and performance
  • Help reduce struvite build-up
  • Minimize downtime
  • Increase the life expectancy of the equipment
  • Reduce costly replacements
  • Protect equipment

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